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First Aid and Emergency Care

“Because emergencies are uninvited and Basic Care Matters”

It is a beautiful sunny day, you are off work, spending time with your beautiful family, your doggo is rolling on his back, jumping, fetching his toy and playing around enjoying the grass and having one of the best times of his life and suddenly you hear a THUD!! Your doggo has slipped off his leg and has hurt his paw really badly.  You sense it is an emergency but you’re too far from any veterinary help care and you can see your dear pet in pain, there has to be something done.  First Aid, a basic treatment while you reach the Veterinary hospital.

Pandemic has taught is the importance of Being prepared and patient and this plays a crucial role in case of uninvited emergences just like above situations and in any serious situations.

Learning First aid teaches us about how to be prepared for an emergency or any kind of serious situation. It’s about prevention and being more aware of what can happen. We all don’t like to think about bad things happening but the truth of the matter is they can and they do. Wouldn’t you want to prepare yourself for a serious situation involving your dear pet(s)? The ones who have kept us all sane during our crazy times. They’ve made us laugh, smile, entertained us and made us all feel less alone. How would you react if something serious were to happen to your pet and you couldn’t get help right away?

In times of uncertainty, being prepared for the worst is especially important and vital. Learning Pet First Aid and CPR not only can save your pet but it can make you feel more confident as a pet owner. When you’re prepared for the worst, you feel mentally strong and calmer when a situation arises. You can think more clearly, and jump into action to do the best you can with much less panic and lesser self-doubt about what to do next.

Veterinary Doctors agree that pet parents should know first aid because it can make their jobs easier and can lead to better outcomes for many animals. Out of all the suffering of these times, be the protector of your pet’s health as they protect our spirit.


Here are some quick tips which can be followed in cases of Emergency:

First thought that comes across the mind during emergencies is reaching out to our Vet, OfCourse it is very important that you reach out to your veterinary doctor and seek their advice and only then head over to any actions.

Keep a First Aid Kit Handy

#Essentials for Emergencies

It’s a very good idea to keep a first-aid kit on hand that is specially made for your pet (dog/cat). The essential items will be similar to those you would keep in for a human first aid kit. However, it’s a better idea to keep them separate. Although pet stores sometimes sell ready-made first aid kits, you may prefer to make your own pet emergency kit. You can also quickly check with a vet if you have questions about which supplies, are the right ones.

The following items should be in your pet’s first aid kit:

  • Thermometer and lubricant (water-based)
  • Latex or nitrile gloves
  • Antiseptic wound cleanser and or/wipes (betadine or chlorhexidine-based, not alcohol or hydrogen peroxide)
  • Anti-bacterial wound ointment
  • Bandage tape (adhesive and non-adhesive)
  • Sterile non-stick wound pads
  • Gauze squares
  • Bandage scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Eyewash (sterile saline)
  • Diphenhydramine tablets (generic Benadryl)
  • Hydrogen peroxide, fresh and unopened (to induce vomiting, not for wounds)
  • Towels, washcloths and blankets
  • Nail trimmers and styptic powder
  • A pet emergency instructional book

Alternatively, you can buy an assembled pet first aid kit that contains some or all of the necessary supplies.

Keep your pet first aid kit in an easy-to-reach spot at home. Don’t forget to bring it with you when traveling with your pet. Better yet, make multiple first aid kits to keep at home and in your car(s). Remember to inspect first aid kits every few months to ensure they are organized, well-stocked, and that items are not expired.


What to Do If Your Pet Dog or cat Has an Emergency

#Emergency Care

If an emergency occurs it is important to stay calm but act fast. The first thing you should do is assess your dog or cat: is he breathing? Conscious? Bleeding? Once you know how to respond, you can take measures to stabilize your dog or cat. Then, contact your vet as soon as possible. Follow your vet’s advice, which is often to get your dog or cat to the vet right away.

It’s best to take the time now to learn how to identify and handle some of the more common emergencies. Do this before your dog or cat has an emergency. Remember, the best plan is to be on the way to the vet clinic and/or on the phone with the vet clinic. In the meantime, there are some steps you can follow to begin first aid for your dog or cat during an emergency.

Respiratory Distress and Choking

If your dog or cat is gasping for air or gagging, it is possible he is choking or experiencing some other form of respiratory emergency. If possible, carefully try to open your dog or cat’s mouth and look for an airway obstruction. If you see an object, you may try to remove it. Be careful not to get bitten!

If the object cannot be removed, try lifting your dog or cat off the ground with the head pointing down (for large dogs or cats, lift the back end, elevating the abdomen). If the object does not fall out, you may need to try some ​different choking manoeuvres for dog or cats.


If your dog/cat is completely unconscious and NOT breathing, there is a good chance there is no heartbeat. Your first step should be to try and get your dog/cat’s attention and make sure there is no response. Next, try to listen for a heartbeat by placing your ear against the left side of the chest just behind the elbow. You may also try to feel a pulse by placing two fingers on the inside of a back leg, specifically in the middle of the inner thigh. If you cannot detect a heartbeat or pulse, it is possible that the dog/cat’s heart has stopped.

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is best performed by a trained professional. Sadly, the fact is that a very small number of pets that experience respiratory and cardiac arrest will recover and go on to live healthy lives. However, if you want to give your dog/cat the best chance, you may wish to start CPR. There are two main components to CPR: rescue breathing and chest compressions. Take the time to learn how to perform CPR in advance in case you ever need it.


Trauma may result in external and/or internal injuries to your dog/cat. If your dog/cat is bleeding from the nose, mouth, or another orifice, there is not much you can do but get to the vet immediately. If your dog/cat is actively bleeding from an external wound, gently place clean gauze or cloth over the wound and apply moderate, consistent pressure to the bleeding site. In cases of excessive bleeding, elevate the area if possible. Try not to disturb the clot by lifting the gauze or cloth. If it becomes soaked with blood, simply apply another layer of cloth or gauze. Maintain pressure on the wound until you reach the vet clinic and a professional can take over.

You should have a veterinarian assess your dog/cat’s wounds as soon as possible. Wounds have a better chance of healing if they are properly and quickly addressed. Waiting to have the wound treated by a vet will increase the likelihood of infection and other complications. It may also make treatment more expensive.


If your dog/cat has a wound that is not profusely bleeding (or if the bleeding has stopped), the best thing you can do is to take your pet to your vet for medical attention. If you cannot get to your vet immediately, try to clean the wound with a sterile saline rinse or betadine-based antiseptic wipes. Cover the wound with a non-stick pad, wrap it with some gauze, and secure it with bandage tape until you can get to the vet.

NOTE: This bandage should remain on your pet for no longer than 24 hours. The sooner you can get to the vet, the better. Within one hour of the injury is ideal. Wounds from fights with other animals are especially prone to infection, so do not delay.

Broken Bones

If your dog/cat has suffered a trauma, you may or may not be able to tell if he has broken any bones. If you suspect broken bones, be sure to minimize movement of that area. If there is an open wound, proceed with the above recommendations for bleeding and wounds while trying to keep the area stable (minimize movement). Head to the vet right away so the fracture can be stabilized and your dog/cat can get pain medication.

Toxin Exposure

Different toxins require different treatments, so there is no single way to handle toxin exposure in dogs and cats. If your dog/cat has come into contact with a hazardous substance, your best bet is to call a vet or poison control hotline. If a poison was ingested, you may or may not be instructed to induce vomiting. If there was skin contact with a toxic substance, you should wash your dog/cat off thoroughly. In most cases, a follow-up with your vet is recommended. In some cases, you may need to rush to the vet.

Insect Stings/Bites

Dog and cats are very susceptible to insect stings and bites because of their natural curiosity. Most dogs and cats will be minimally affected by one or two bee stings or bug bites. However, multiple stings/bites, or a sensitive dog/cat, can lead to a serious allergic reaction. if your dog/cat is stung or bitten by an insect, clean the bite area (remove the stinger if visible).

If mild swelling occurs, you may wish to give your dog/cat some diphenhydramine. Ask your vet to confirm the proper dose. Most dogs and cats can safely have one milligram of diphenhydramine per pound of body weight. Be aware that this may cause drowsiness.

If ​the swelling is severe at the bite or sting site, if your dog/cat has facial swelling or hives, or if your dog/cat develops trouble breathing, transport him to the nearest vet office for treatment.

Snake bites are a different matter. These can be fatal if left untreated. If you think your dog/cat was bitten by a snake, get to the nearest vet clinic right away. If what you thought was a bug bite, bee sting or mild wound begins to look more serious, you should not wait to see a vet.


seizure is not always an emergency, but it should not be ignored either. If your non-epileptic dog/cat has a short seizure and recovers well, you should see your vet as soon as reasonably possible (within a day or two). If your dog/cat has a seizure lasting more than a minute or has multiple seizures in a row, you should go to the nearest veterinary clinic immediately.

Heat Stroke

Dogs and cats are not very efficient at cooling themselves, which makes them prone to overheating. If your dog/cat has been in a hot environment and is in any distress, it could be heat stroke or heat exhaustion. First, take your dog/cat’s temperature rectally. If it is over 104°F, it may be heat exhaustion. Over 106°F is heat stroke.

Proper cooling is the first step in treatment. Get your dog/cat to a cool area with plenty of cool air circulation (air conditioning is best, but a fan is better than nothing). Wet your dog/cat down with cool water. WARNING: Do not use ice or very cold water. These can cause blood vessels to constrict, trapping in heat. Continue to check the rectal temperature. Stop cooling your dog/cat at 103.5°F to avoid over-cooling. See your vet as soon as possible, even if your dog/cat seems better. Internal damage may not be apparent for days.


Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (commonly called bloat or GDV) is a serious condition where the stomach fills with gas and/or food and twists. Large, deep-chested dogs and cats are at an especially high risk for this condition. If your dog/cat develops an extremely distended abdomen accompanied by extreme lethargy and, in some cases, unproductive retching, it might be GDV. There are no first aid measures you can take. The only thing you can do is to get to the vet immediately.

Other Injuries and Illnesses

Any injury or illness that your dog/cat experiences will require some attention on your part, even if it’s just to watch and see. Know the signs of illness in dogs and cats and how to react. If you are unsure how serious your dog/cat’s condition is, contact your vet. When in doubt, don’t wait. Just see your vet.

If an emergency occurs and you cannot immediately transport your pet or the dog or cat, you can always reach out to Easzo’s Veterinary Experts where our doctors will be able to talk you through some life-saving steps over an instant online consultation (Online consultation Page)


Hopefully, you will never experience an emergency with your pet. However, the possibility is always there. As the saying goes “Better Late than Never” by taking the time now to learn how to be prepared and react in emergency situations, you might be able to save your pets or any suffering dog/cat’s life and be the Saviour Hero.

 Happy PetParenting